#SAVEORC – Who runs this protest?


Hello, I’m meditext.

I’ve been noting that the old Roblox community has started to go downhill pretty bad. And well, we already got terrorists in this community, just trying to end up O.R.C.

I researched this whole community, the lore and it’s history, and I noticed a heavy change to the community itself: it has a lot of bad actors.


r/oldrobloxrevivals members has been influencing to kill the community, now I’m pretty sure that all these guys are not kidding and are making this to actually end the creativity, because how bad members on this subreddit are (example: qzip, jahoobas, dungeon).

(bias alert): in my opinion, most of these people that are encouraging the subreddit members to end the community are just straight assholes. I don’t like them and I consider them not actually apart from this community for their toxic, inhuman behaviour.

The fact that the community still being ok, there are thankfully helpful members which suggests good revivals, but what it gives the revival the special taste is the community…

People don’t notice that the community itself is what is going to save the ORC and revivals, because the sub community of which revival gives the revival the taste.

Well let’s talk about one of the possible absolutely stupidest person that runs a edgy cult: jahoobas and his community (VLF).


(bias is also included here)

this group is filled with orc reapers, which is known to be controversial.

I don’t support any of their actions because how horrible are they. Neo Nazism and threatening is present on this community because they are truly the actual terrorists.

Pretty sure that no one has ever talked about them in a Blogpost, because its required duh.

This guy is legit a newgen, because he always just say on every post like “Why orc is being so bad right now” and just says “because this is orc”.

Pretty sure no one knows about the old Roblox community lore (on r/oldrobloxrevivals) and it’s objective, because all we do is just make a small private server and having fun with the community.

i do have only one phrase if you (jahoobas) is reading this: You are a mistake for this community


We will keep spamming every subreddit, server to at least convince the community to know about this, because this action is needed.

It does not mean that Finobe was the only revival that marked our golden age, we can dig more and get again our scent back.

Austiblox was one of the greatest examples. despite the whole site was just ass, people didn’t care, because it had a great community inside of this revival, and we can achieve this.

It’s not impossible, it just requires the community collaboration to end this whole problematic people who just don’t have hopes and tries to ruin even more the community.

We currently have 7 people supporting this whole protest.

No matter how much time it takes, it will be not impossible.

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